I'm sure we've all had those moments when you come across something and can't believe you didn't think of it first. Well today I'm going to talk about two such items. One is a bit frivalous but good none the less the other could actually save lives.
Firstly then from Renault, Nail Varnish that matches the colour of your car!
Renault, no doubt aware of the growing number of women making and influencing car purchases must have thought that the discerning woman would enjoy having nails that reflected her choice of car colour, or indeed the other way round. Not only is there a significant aesthetic benefit but a real practical one too, the Nail Varnish can also be used to touch up any small scratches on the car. Only the four colours available at the moment but I can see the range increasing very soon.
On a much more serious note though, small children left in cars when the mercury is really climbing are at a very real risk of serious injury or even death. A new device that acts as a second seat belt linking the child seat to the drivers prevents the driver exiting the car without unbuckling the child.
This device has been developed by Nestle and promoted in the Dominican Republic with a campaign run by its Nido powdered milk brand. An initial 10,000 units soon turned into 300,000.
What a great idea.